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Las plumas de Corrientes
  • Las plumas de Corrientes

    Las plumas de Corrientes, de Enrique Dick, 196 páginas, editor GPM.

    Este proyecto ofrece una metodología para la catalogación, codificación e identificación de los sellos postales de Corrientes (Argentina) con sus rasgos particulares provenientes de las obliteraciones a pluma y tinta aplicados en cada oficina postal. Con una tipificación propia, el autor busca desentrañar los trazos característicos de cada localidad de la provincia, entre los años 1856 y 1880.

    Se trata de una obra con varios años de investigaciones, búsquedas, comparaciones con otras colecciones, sugerencias de coleccionistas y bases de datos particulares, más los antecedentes de otros estudiosos.

    Una primera parte, aborda los antecedentes históricos del sistema de correos en la provincia, los decretos y reglamentos asociados, la génesis de los incipientes sellos postales y los primeros grabados de la mano del joven grabador Matías Pipet y un grupo de entusiastas.

    Se suman los testimonios del Viejo Mundo acerca de los sellos correntinos y de la prensa filatélica, vital entre 1864 y 1946, particularmente en Francia, como también las revelaciones de los especialistas en Argentina.

    La segunda parte contempla el análisis de los algoritmos y modelos para la identificación e instrumentación del material.

    Se analizan también los mapas de distribución y de recolección, los movimientos de oficinas, empleados, correístas, y chasques, como parte de una decena de anexos.

    Didáctico, preciso y aplicado, “Las plumas…”  es un original desarrollo de vanguardia, versátil, audaz y extendido que, con su contenido general especializado, constituye una obra que se volverá indispensable para los filatelistas.

    The Feathers of Corrientes, 196 pages in full color, 12 Appendix, splendid recently published book, Author Enrique Dick, editor GPM, 2024.

    It is a work that took several years of research, quests, comparisons with other collections, advises, suggestions from collectors, databases, etc. Therefore, in summary, the objective of this project is to methodologically assimilate the cataloging, coding, and identification of postage stamps from Corrientes (Argentina) canceled with pen and ink, uncover the characteristic features of each city, village or district, and generate a knowledge source. Simultaneously, it explores from 1856-1880 into the history of Corrientes, a thriving province.

    The first part illustrates to the reader:

    The historical background of the postal system in the province of Corrientes between 1852 and 1880, associated decrees and regulations, the genesis of the early postage stamps in that province, and the first engravings by the young baker turned engraver, Matías Pipet.

    Enthusiastic actors such as Salas, Scorza, Mantilla, Colodrero, Valdéz, Lagraña, Araujo, and, of course the governor, Juan Pujol, the soul and nerve of the purpose, who were the axis of the achievement.

    Astonishing revelations from specialists in Argentina (Bose, Marcó del Pont, Stich, Silveyra, Jewell, Lowey, Kneitschel, etc., and of course Alberto Solari and Guillermo Jalil), among others around the world.

    Continuing without pause, the sparse but valuable testimonies from the Old World about the stamps of Corrientes and the philatelic press, vital between 1864 and 1946, particularly in France (P. Mahe, Dorming Beckton, J. B. Moens, etc.)

    The book proceeds with an exploration of other stamps with pen ink traits, and the incredible coincidence of the stamps of France and Corrientes, both with the same image, Ceres.

    The second part includes:

    Analysis of algorithms and models for the identification and instrumentation of the material and the analytical and exhaustive procedures for the stereotype of the neighborhood which is the origin and end of the abundant ink marks or “pen strokes” on period covers.

    Explanation and proposal of a coding system for each stamp and three formal characterizations of the unknown design: The Original Tables, the Longo’s Notebooks, and the Reasoned VKn Tables, unexplored until they were tested.

    To understand and follow all the circuits, two specialized maps of Corrientes from the time are included, with all the areas and districts and their names before changes. The specialist will appreciate the distribution map and a collection map and discover the movements of offices, employees, couriers, chasques (a courier, messenger or like a pony express rider in South America), etc., by reading the content of the maps.

    The author also notes other study avenues for the future based partly on his collection, partly on other sources, and fundamentally thanks to the acquired experience.

    A system developed in Excel to automate the search for traits of the Longo group and their characterization, as well as the RGB color code of each stamp.

    Definitions, abbreviations, and glossary used in the text are shown at the end, followed by the Sources and Bibliographic References.

    Educational, precise, applied, broad, “The Feathers of…” is a magnificent avant-garde development, versatile, bold, and extensive, which, with its paper quality, color perfection, and highly specialized content, constitutes a work that will become indispensable in any good library for permanent consultation and for a lot of philatelists around the world.



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